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Project 1. Criminal Record Management (CRM)
Project Description: CRM is an Windows Forms Application, In existing system police department use manual methods for storing data and processing criminal Information, which will cause chances of loosing information. To overcome this problem we implement a automated software application for police department to maintain their data more efficiently and improve work efficiency of department.


Technologies Used: MicroSoft VISUAL STUDIO 2013, ORACLE SQL.


OnGoing Project: The drawback CRM is only one administrator can access in a single place. To overcome this problem we implement a Online Web Application where data is stored in to database and provide more secured and fast processing method.


Technologies Used: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, ORACLE SQL.


  • Developing an Windows Forms and Online Web Interface based on the test results.
  • Testing and identifying scenarios for further improvement in functionalities of  application design.
  • Team Leader.
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